The second piece of red meat McCain threw out during the debate was a full-throated pro-life message. He even said that he thought a Supreme Court justice candidate that supported Roe v Wade probably wasn't qualified for the job. Again, the social conservatives love this kind of "straight talk" and I think they are throwing their weight more enthusiastically toward McCain. I was surprised to see in the NYT this morning that only 54% of American women are pro-choice, according to an August Pew Research Center poll. I always thought that number was significantly higher. 42% of women are pro-life and 16% say it should be banned "in all cases." (even a point higher than men!). This is clearly a winning issue for McCain among his base.
I disagree with Silver about one key point, however. I think McCain can win the election with a full-bore conservative base campaign. I don't think he will, but he can. What we are seeing now is similar to what we saw when Palin was nominated. Let's not forget that McCain was up by as many as 3-4 points after her nomination and the convention. I don't think this election will go that far in the other direction because of the economy and a generally higher comfort level with Obama than the country had previously, but it is certainly conceivable to see this falling into a popular vote dead heat.
McCain has a concrete, two-pronged message now with Joe the Plumber/wealth redistribution and abortion. This message offers the added advantage of synching better with his running mate than his prior messages have. I think we'll stop seeing the Bill Ayers/Rezko crap, as even the McCain campaign recognizes that America wants to know why McCain is running for president. Now we know: he wants to lower taxes for the wealthy and make sure Roe v Wade is overturned. We blue state "elites" may think this is a nutty platform to run on, but at least he stands for something now, which he didn't before. And it is clearly working.
The question is, how much? Interestingly, the state polls are still squarely in Obama's column and haven't moved much. And Powell's endorsement today may help a little. The independents and undecideds, which make up about 9% of the electorate, are still breaking pretty strongly to Obama and a good third of them probably won't even vote. But most experts think this will shift toward McCain as election days nears, with maybe 4-5% going to him, 1-2% going to Obama, and 2-3% not voting. That means McCain would gain about 3 points net. He probably still has a couple more points coming to him from the conservatives, which would get us basically to a dead heat.
But the states are what count, obviously. From where we stand today, I would guess that McCain closes the gap and takes Florida, North Carolina and Ohio. He has to; if he loses any one of those three, he will lose the election. But even if Obama gets swept in those three states, he will still likely hold onto Virginia, Colorado, Minnesota and New Mexico. And that puts him in great position. Obama already has 249 out of the 270 electors he needs locked up in solid blue states. So he only needs 21 more. Any of the following combos of Obama-leaning states would put him over the top:
- Colorado + Virginia
- Minnesota + Virginia
- Minnesota + Colorado + New Mexico
1 comment:
You're right: it is less important.
But I agree - for once, it is interesting. If McCain/Palin win, it is because they have astutely latched onto the American Dream (or at least the swing voter's perception thereof).
This vision of the American Dream with the State "butting out" is in stark contrast to the mood sweeping Washington at the moment, hence it is refreshing.
Samuel the unregistered worker (do you think he'd be such a cult hero if he were Hispanic?) doesn't care much for Obama's "socialism". His eyes are fixed firmly on his dream of that next truck / gun / dog.
He's fed up of having it all handed to him on instant credit.
He knows that 80% of this credit is all funded by "foreigners" and by "governments" at the end of the day. And he doesn't like those.
He knows that this year's lurch towards "socialism" was the only way to stop foreigners from dumping dollar assets.
He's just had enough. He's made a conscious decision to stop all that "consuming" (guns and trucks will be better in 2030, anyway) and to start buying up Treasuries and other US debt.
A 30% savings rate - isn't that the American Dream?
Anyway, enough of all that - have you seen how Spain are on fire in World Cup qualifying at the moment...?
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