Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Knives Are Out

Politico is reporting that the infighting over Palin has begun.  The story was clearly placed by Palin's camp, but incredibly, still manages to make her look disloyal and vapid.  McCain insiders are particularly incensed that she goes off and makes her own policy declarations without clearing them with the boss.  This bit of inscrutable nonsense was from a radio interview with Glenn Beck this week:
"I say, you know, when is enough enough of taxpayer dollars being thrown into this bill out there?" she asked. "This next one of the Democrats being proposed should be very, very concerning to all Americans because to me it sends a message that $700 billion bailout, maybe that was just the tip of the iceberg. No, you know, we were told when we've got to be believing if we have enough elected officials who are going to be standing strong on fiscal conservative principles and free enterprise and we have to believe that there are enough of those elected officials to say, no, okay, that's enough." 
A McCain insider called this little ditty "a nice sentiment."

I know that Obama gets criticized for having a smooth tongue, but honestly, would America really prefer the opposite?  Sarah Palin makes W sound like Lincoln.  If she truly is the future of the Republican party as so many claim, then the Republicans are in even more trouble than I thought.

Meanwhile, McCain was in Colorado yesterday talking about how small businesses need "less government regulation."  Again, perhaps "a nice sentiment," but really, Senator, this is probably not the best time.

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